Was what researching, No! What this research.

quinta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2008

Quer ganhar dinheiro ,esse paga mesmo buxtor.com,uma otima chance de renda extra é gratis.

Oi tudo Bom eu sou a Lulusinha .
clik na foto pra e veja no tamanho original Eu trago uma otima oportunidade para vc ganha um dinheiro extra.
Você sera meu convidado,http://www.buxto.com.br/register.php?r=lulusinha
vc visita o site dos patrocinadores espéra 20 segundos e pronto vc ja faturou sua grana va para o outro comercial e clik e espere mais 20 segundos e pronto mais grana.
Você accompanha seus lucros no painel de controle em tempo real saiba mais no http://www.buxto.com.br/register.php?r=lulusinha

Tem muitas outras promoções lep tops,pen drive ,cameras digitais e muito mais ...
E le darei suporte via o meu MSN. Que eu le darei depois do seu cadrasto,vc me mandara uma menssagen pelo buxtor e le passarei meu MSN para entrarmos em contato on-line ou por telefone.

Amigos,Fiz parte de uma grande quantidade de PTC´s internacionais, passando horas no PC clicando em anúncios, sem receber nada por isso, e já havia me prometido a não entrar em outro. Mas devido a uma pessoa que gosto muito ter me indicado o BUXTO, entrei. Já recebi meu primeiro pagamento, nem acreditei quando olhei minha conta o PagSeguro, estava lá o pagamento. Vale a pena realmente.

use o meu link de indicação para eu ser a sua Primeira amiga socia.
Quer ganhar dinheiro ,esse paga mesmo buxtor.com,uma otima chance de renda extra é gratis vc não perde nada só ganha, dinheiro,lulusinha,GALERIA DE FOTOS, foto, gatinha,Gatinha linda

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008

O Cartão Mega Bônus é um cartão Mastercard Internacional que revolucionou o mercado

O Cartão Mega Bônus é um cartão Mastercard Internacional que revolucionou o mercado
de cartões. A razão disso é que ao lançar o Mega Bônus, o Unibanco - uma instituição com 80 anos de mercado - tornou-se o 1º banco no mundo que paga para você, todos os meses, um percentual dos seus gastos, dos gastos de quem você indica e também de quem seus indicados indicarem.

Assim, sempre que na sua rede de indicados alguém comprar algo ou pagar uma conta, você vai ganhar dinheiro, pago pelo Unibanco, todos os meses a você.

É a oportunidade de você ter uma renda extra, uma 2ª fonte de renda, indicando esta Mega Oportunidade a todas as pessoas que você tem contato.

Duvidas assista ao video

Imagine um Cartão que te devolva parte dos seus gastos? Certamente você indicaria este cartão aos seus amigos.
Agora, imagine que todos os meses, sempre que seus amigos usarem o cartão deles, você ganhe um percentual dos gastos de cada um.
Não precisa mais imaginar! O Unibanco lançou um cartão inédito e pioneiro no mundo! Peça agora o seu Cartão Unicard MegaBônus Mastercard Internacional.
Para solicitar o cartão você deve possuir um código de indicação.

Anote agora o seu código, que é:

Site Oficial MegaBônus Unicard Unibanco Mastercard Internacional: http://www.cartaomega.com.br/lusinha/

terça-feira, 26 de agosto de 2008

American Jayson Donald achieves a home run against Japan.

American Jayson Donald achieves a home run against Japan.

American Bryan Clay vai for the pitch to drive in the decathlon.

American Bryan Clay vai for the pitch to drive in the decathlon.

Amelie Caze French and Swiss Belinda Schreiber duelam in fencing.

Amelie Caze French and Swiss Belinda Schreiber duelam in fencing.

Amelie Caze French and Swiss Belinda Schreiber duelam in fencing, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008, Sports.

Amelie Caze French and Swiss Belinda Schreiber duelam in fencing, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008, Sports.

After the visit to athletes, Pele meets a ritual for many years, a press conference, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008.

After the visit to athletes, Pele meets a ritual for many years, a press conference, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008.
A photo with Pele, that memory is priceless, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008.

Pele takes photo with the mayor of the Olympic Village, Chen Zhili, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008.

After the final whistle, the fall in Brazilian field.

After the final whistle, the fall in Brazilian field.



A beautiful scene to mark the end of another Olympics, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008, Most of the world olimpiadad.

A beautiful scene to mark the end of another Olympics.

China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008, Most of the world olimpiadad.

Hello? Hellooooo?

Hello? Hellooooo?
Hi there. You may be looking in your feed reader every day and thinking "Another no-news-'bout-FeedBurner day." You may be starting to think, "Are they still in there? In the FeedBurner bubble, burning the feeds? Did somebody maybe shut off their connection to the Tubes?" You may be thinking that or worse. We have some good news, and some just newsy news.

First, the good news. We are totally still here, burning the feeds, writing the checks (that's some sweet cursive Giuliana's wielding), and analyzing the analytics.

Next, the newsy news, aka "what we did over summer and winter and spring vacation." If you are looking for juicy announcements, this section is NOT for you. This is more like the academic paper section of the post, except for the fact it lacks erudition and other big vocabulary words. We have been and are busy integrating FeedBurner into a more Googley way of life. This Googley way of life is very different on the backend architecture side, so the team has been busy both scaling and maintaining the existing environment, while simultaneously rewriting the system to act like one of the cool kids in the more Googley (Googly? Can we get a ruling on this one?) architecture world.

So, if you're a publisher, a good next question is "Um, why are you doing this again?" The answers are numerous, so let's itemize a few of them:

Full integration with Google. Integration makes it possible to connect with other Google offerings. For example, only a fraction of our publishers have had the opportunity to participate in the FeedBurner Ad Network to date. We would like to offer this capability to an order of magnitude more publishers, and full integration into Google architecture will make this not just a possibility but a likelihood (more on this in the next couple months).
More and better services. As any Mies Van der Rohe fan will tell you, "more is more." By getting our systems fully integrated into a Google architecture, it will be easier for us to provide some services we've long envisioned but have never really been able to provide because of scale challenges. These include but are not limited to parameterized feeds (e.g., think feeds of query results), a wider variety of email services (those of you wishing to import legitimate-yet-massive email lists know what we mean), and other stuff. And by "stuff," we mean "things."
Easier to scale as load on the system increases. As more feeds are burned and are hit by more kinds of feed reading bots and readers and API's and crawlers, even feeds that don't have new subscribers see increased activity. Full integration into Google will mean an easier time working through performance and scalability bottlenecks, which means the engineering resources now hard at work on scaling can move on to enhancing services.
Why not build new services and integrate at the same time? There are lots of opinions about the best way to go through integrations. Our perspective is that the time you lose trying to continuously merge an updated legacy codebase with a new rewrite causes you be in a world of never actually getting the integration done because you're constantly working on merge problems, which gives you less time to add new features OR get the new backend integration done, and eventually you kind of grind to a halt, much like Achilles trying to catch the Tortoise in Zeno's paradox. We're confident, in fact, that Zeno would have used software integration to illustrate his paradox had he lived in less pre-Socratic times. Anyhoo, we decided to bite the bullet and go full-on integration (while maintaining the existing environment) as much as possible, knowing that it would mean few new features or capabilities while we went on our backend integration journey. So, while we have continued to add hundreds of thousands of new publishers and feeds, you haven't heard a lot from us despite a lot of hard work. It's not really that exciting to post "Soon, you will have everything you used to have, only it will look different to the people working on it here!"

There are lots of lots of product integration points that we know people would like to see, and we are looking forward to those as well. These opportunities are not lost on some of the brighter students at Google, and believe me, there are some real brainiacs around here. We keep whispering to each other in the hallways, "What if they find out we're stupid?"

On the customer side, we have been signing up new publishers right and left (or left and right, depending on whether you live in the northern or southern hemisphere), and in fact, our publisher services team is busier than ever. We used to announce all of these new publishers, but it's a bit less exciting to announce customers that are already customers of other parts of the company without feeling like the kids in school who are the last ones to do everything. (Simulated conversation. FeedBurner: "Hey, we just burned our millionth feed!" Search: "It's cute how they still get excited about numbers in the millions.")

On the Finding of Help and the Getting of Answers

On the Finding of Help and the Getting of Answers
As we recently posted, FeedBurner's integration into Google is moving along. We've got our coding hats on and are hard at work to get the essential product pieces where they need to be.

However, one somewhat-below-the-radar part of FeedBurner's integration that is already showing up as part of google.com is our new Help Center. (Well, "new" as of late 2007. We admit to being a touch slow on the draw with the PR on this one.) We point this out to show that migrating to a Googley-er tomorrow isn't strictly tied to FeedBurner charts 'n graphs 'n numbers. It used be difficult to find answers; a popup window here, a Forums post there, a blog post over yonder. The Help Center brings sorely needed structure (and searchability) to a bunch of resources that were largely scattered about before. You can now find topics like "What is a Subscriber? How does FeedBurner tally them?", and "Is there a feed file size limit?" in just one place. (We've still got nothing for you on "How can I avoid jury duty selection?") The Help Center will soon introduce new troubleshooting topics and contact options as well.

Speaking of the Forums: they are overdue for the Google treatment, too. We've provided them since shortly after FeedBurner launched as an essential, community-powered companion to the service itself. In the next few weeks, the Forums will move to a new Google Group, with the following benefits:

Much less spam
Improved [BUY CH3AP STUFF ONL1NE] search for old topics and conversations
New email notification options when new topics are posted
Much, much [FREE V!AGRA NOW] less spam

We also want to point out that FeedBurner Japan is also going to benefit from these Help Center and Groups changes, too. But what about the many other languages FeedBurner publishers use? Google strongly believes in making products accessible to the widest global audience; efforts to formally localize FeedBurner for the most popular and requested languages are under way, going well beyond the options we currently offer.

And, finally: Leap Year post!

From the Quick Hits Dept.: Transferring Feeds Between Accounts

From the Quick Hits Dept.: Transferring Feeds Between Accounts
Alright, so we're a little behind on announcing this feature as well. It's been live for weeks and is a real time-saver for everyone involved: the new, self-service Feed Transfer capability. As more and more people build blogs and burn feeds, changes in content ownership and control lead to the desire to move a FeedBurner feed from one account to another. In ye goode olde days, someone who wanted to transfer a feed to another account used to a submit a request to us, and then a staffer in our own Central Planning and Command-Line Voodoo department would verify the accounts and then complete the actual feed transfer. Reliable, but time-consuming and tedious for all parties involved.

Away with workaday drudgery! If you own a feed, you may now transfer it to anyone you like simply by using the Transfer Feed… link, which is listed on your feed's details page and is handily pictured below:

Just provide the email address of the person you wish to transfer this feed to and FeedBurner will send them a transfer request email. The recipient clicks a link in the email and then creates or signs into a FeedBurner account and accepts the transfer on-the-spot. The transfer itself will be completed immediately, moving the feed from your account to theirs. (Please note that only feed owners may initiate transfers from their own accounts to others. Additional how-to info about Feed Transfer is in our Help Center topic.)

We hope this update makes the process of moving feeds around much simpler for all of you. Thanks for letting us know just how popular (and necessary) this feature is!

Movin' on up

Movin' on up
There are strange things afoot! (Well, perhaps not "strange," and certainly not just at the Circle K.) In the coming weeks, upon visiting www.feedburner.com, selected publishers will have the opportunity to sign in using their Google Account and experience FeedBurner, now as part of the Google.

If you are among these merry few who migrate early you won't see many changes at first. In fact, you might find yourself saying, "my, it's awfully quiet in here. Almost…too quiet." (But it may look a bit Googlier around the edges.) Your feeds should continue to hum along as they did before, and all of your settings will be yours to manage through your new or existing Google account. This is the same shiny Google account you use to sign into other services at Google.

Following on the footsteps of this account migration, FeedBurner will start to look and feel more like a set of Google services, and we will be completing much tighter integration into other Google services such as Google AdSense. (If you are a feed advertiser, don't worry: we have some happy surprises coming for you as well, and if you are an advertiser who is not yet a feed advertiser, you too shall be blessed with good fortune.)

As part of this Google Account migration, we will need to make a few process changes for our API partners. Effective immediately, the FeedBurner Management API will only be available for existing FeedBurner partners and those Google partners who currently have access to other Google AdSense APIs. The Awareness API will continue to work exactly as it did before, noting that once you migrate to a Google account, you will have to use your Google account credentials IF you use the authenticated API.

If, going forward, you do not want to sign in with a Google account, you can always take your feeds with you by redirecting your subscribers back to your source. Migration will ultimately be here for everybody, including all you MyBrand folks who are master of your domain.

Into the wild: AdSense for feeds

Into the wild: AdSense for feeds
We've been hinting at this for awhile, but it's finally time to spill the beans: Starting next week, we'll be rolling out AdSense for feeds to a small group of publishers, in anticipation of a full launch to all FeedBurner and AdSense publishers "coming soon". If you start seeing "Ads by Google" on an ad in a feed somewhere, that'd be us.

So what will this mean for you? Well, publishers already in the FeedBurner Ad Network will continue to see premium CPM ads directly sold onto their content, but with the added bonus of contextually targeted ads that will fill up the remainder of their inventory. That means you get the best of both worlds: a dedicated Google sales force that knows how and why to sell onto your content, with the added revenue that full back-fill coverage provides. And with AdSense, you'll know that your back-filled ads are using the strongest contextual ad engine, ensuring the most relevant and profitable ads are delivered to your subscribers. And yes, ads are also sold via Google's AdWords program.

For publishers who are not yet placing ads in their feeds, any publisher who meets the requirements to join the AdSense program will also be able to use AdSense for feeds. You will be able to manage your feed ad units directly from AdSense Setup tab, and track performance right on the AdSense Report tab. You can slice, dice, mix, or mash your tracking across feed units and content units, or keep them totally separate. You're in control. You can still control the frequency and rules around when ads appear in your feeds, without having to mess with templates on your content management system.

You might be wondering what you'll need to do to use AdSense for feeds. You'll learn more about the details when we fully launch, but here are the basics: you will need to sign up for AdSense if you haven't already, and you will want to set up your AdSense channels for "placement targeting" in order to make sure that advertisers can target your syndicated content specifically. As a publisher, you will remain be in control of the campaigns that are targeted at your feed by harnessing the power of Ad Review Center.

And, this is just the beginning of the chocolaty goodness that will come from ongoing integration effort with Google - there are many more "things" and "stuff" yet to come, as we mentioned a few weeks back.

We'll give you the full details on AdSense for feeds, including supported formats, how to sign up, etc., etc. when we're ready for the full launch to all publishers. In the meantime, FeedBurner feeds will continue to be fed as usual, and we'll be reaching out to select publishers individually to try out AdSense for feeds.

Network Solutions teams with Yahoo! for Yahoo! Fields

Network Solutions teams with Yahoo! for Yahoo! Fields

Domain Services are extended to new markets

Network Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: Nsol), a leading provider of Internet registration services, together with Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ: YHOO), a leading global Internet communications, commerce and media company that 145 million consumers throughout the world, to enable quick and easy registration through Yahoo! (R) Fields (http://domains.yahoo.com), a new service where people can search, register and the host country itself. com,. net or. org domain names. Yahoo! Fields offers multi-year registrations - up to 10 years - and domain names to 67 characters long for users to create and build their online identity.

"Yahoo!" S global brand will be further expanded and stimulating the market for domain name registrations, "said Doug Wolford, senior vice president and general manager of the LSI Registrar." In support of that stimulated demand, we will continue our eight years experience, infrastructure and service Yahoo! Fields reaching new consumers and service providers in making the existing and building their presence on the web. "

Network Solutions and Yahoo! already have an extensive global agreement for the promotion of Network Solutions in many of Yahoo! 's geographically-based global and national properties, including Yahoo! GeoCities (http://geocities.yahoo.com) and Yahoo! Broadcast (http://broadcast.yahoo.com). Yahoo! also contains a link to the national statistical offices dot com directory (TM) keywords on the results pages. Network Solutions has an advertising and marketing agreement with Yahoo! In december 1998.

Yahoo! Areas registration process aimed at businesses and consumers at different levels of experience and serves a range of needs.

"Network Solutions years of experience and expertise in the area of registration of the domain name will help us to better meet the needs of users in the creation of a presence on the web," said Rich ryggen, Senior Director, Corporate Services, Yahoo!

About Network Solutions

Founded in 1979, Network Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: Nsol) pioneer in the development of registering Internet addresses ending with. Com. Net. And Org. Edu and is the first clerk at www.networksolutions.com with more than 10 million net registrations. To meet the needs of companies worldwide, Network Solutions' names id (TM) also provides domain name registration services for all country code top level domains, for example. From (Germany). Fr (France) and. Uk (United Kingdom) . Network Solutions also plays an important role in the Internet infrastructure through its registration services. Registry Network Solutions customers include all registrars of domain names ending with. Com. Net and. Org. Network Solutions also provides Internet technology to help large commercial organizations in the development and management of their Internet technologies. On March 7, 2000, VeriSign, Inc. agreed to acquire Network Solutions to create the largest Internet service provider Trust. For more information, visit www.nsol.com.

Network Solutions registers the majority of Internet addresses of the world through various channels, including more than 260 enterprises in over 30 countries in its first program and more than 50000 companies in the Affiliate Program. Network Solutions has the added value of the small business solutions through agreements with companies such as American Express (NYSE: AXP), IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT). As part of its programme Alliance, Network Solutions works closely with EarthLink (Nasdaq: ELNK), Interland, Inc. and Interliant, Inc. (Nasdaq: INIT). Network Solutions has also concluded agreements with companies such as AltaVista, AOL (NYSE: AOL) and Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO).

Statements in this announcement other than historical data and information constitute forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could actual results to differ materially from those stated or implied by such forward-looking statements. Potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, potential fluctuations in the price of the company, uncertainty privatization of the Internet, the increased competition in the domain name registration business, including price competition, customer acceptance of new products and services offered by the company in addition to or as an improvement of the registration, the risks associated with international trade, the uncertainty of future revenue and profitability and fluctuations in its quarterly operating results. More information about potential factors that could affect the business and financial results are included in the company held with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the company's registration statement on Form S-3 filed on 22 december 1999 , As amended, Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ending on 31 december 1999 and the quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1999, June 30, 1999 and 30 september, 1999.

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What Your Sense of Humor States

What Your Sense of Humor States

What Your Sense Of Humor States:

Who knows what’s funny? There is a certain wittiness to humor that disperses stress or strain. As various types of humor exist, the one you enjoy significantly reflects you.

Class Clown:

This is an attention getting motive, aimed at improving the self-image.

Dirty Jokes:

Having prurient interest, you certainly are not ashamed of sex, and moreso find it very entertaining. Many men that are sexist use the off-color humor to belittle the women that are listening.


One who is biased signifies uncertainty over one’s individuality. There may actually be a list of particular traits that you imply by your innuendoes.

Goofy Humor:

Being a jester, you are a kind, personable character who is still in contact with youth.

On-The-Job Humor:

Wants to pleasantly pass the mundane.


Performing essentially to open up lines of communication, even when successful, this can make you the saddest person. Seeing your great need of acceptance by others, you know inside it was all an act. Considering this is not consistent, your mood becomes affected.

Practical Joker:

Because you are affectionate and warmhearted, you quickly dispel a stuffed shirt position, converting it into an atmosphere of gaiety and merriment.


By memorizing and constantly rehashing the same lines, you are revealing to others an absence of a sense of humor.

Put Down Artist:

Because of a feeling of low self worth, acting aggressively, knocking someone with what seems to be brains and intuitiveness, your true motive becomes exposed as the antagonism and lack of care for others in general becomes apparent. You believe the best defense is a good offense.


A skeptic and pessimist by nature, your humor cuts, reflecting a sardonic and contemptuous character.


Somewhat of a visionary, your high intelligence allows you to demonstrate your erudition, exposing perversion found in all walks of life.

Self Depricating:

Deriding yourself so that others find humor, goes hand in hand with your understanding that people will not be able to have any fondness or tender feelings toward you without this. Knocking yourself before others do, corresponds with a feeling of low self worth.


Being creative and having the gift of seeing new things and concepts, you possess the ability of making fortunate discoveries accidentally.

Word Play:

You want to appear funny and smart-at the risk of being a bore.

7 Secrets for Living a Happy and Simple Life

7 Secrets for Living a Happy and Simple Life

Here are the 7 secrets on how you can live a happy and simple life by Warren Buffet – a man with all the wealth in the world who still believes that happiness lies not with riches but within yourself. You too can start living in a simple yet happy life by following the following secrets of happiness:

Secret #1:

Happiness comes from within. - If you do what you love and love what you do, you’ll naturally be productive.

Secret #2:

Find happiness in simple pleasures. - You can also learn to be happy with the simple pleasures of playing cards with friends, playing with your children or taking a walk in the wilderness.

Secret #3:

Live a simple life. - Keeping up with the Joneses is the worst epidemic among those who should never contemplate that notion in the first place. Less is more.

Secret #4:

Think Simply. -If you apply this rule in your life, you can develop clarity and sanity in your thoughts. Life is about simple yet profound choices.

Secret #5:

Invest Simply. - Often, the simplest route will bring you the most riches, and the most happiness.

Secret #6:

Have a mentor in life. - Having a mentor is as important as having a purpose in your life, but having a wrong mentor is as devastating as having a wrong purpose in your life. The mentor has to be someone you can trust. You’ll find that person in your inner circle if you think hard enough.

Secret #7:

Making money isn’t the backbone of your guiding purpose; making money is the by-product of your guiding purpose. - Money should never become the object and end all of your motivation.

Mercola .com – is the number 1 provider of Natural Health Information and articles.

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of the number 1 Natural Health Information website and publisher of the FREE Mercola.com health newsletter.

Who Do You See in the Mirror?

Who Do You See in the Mirror?

We look into a mirror to see how we look. Men use a mirror to shave and women use one to put on makeup. We all check our hair in the mirror.

What thoughts come to you when looking into a mirror? "I need a haircut." "Where did that come from?" or, "I need to loose some weight."

Thoughts that are even more personal can come to you when looking into a mirror. After all, you are looking at you! So, who do you see on a deeper level?

Let's move away from the mirror and come back in a moment or two. I want to ask you a question. Think of someone that you really admire. If you were looking in a magazine and saw their picture what would your reaction be? You would most likely stop and look at them with admiration.

You might even check and see if there were any other pictures of them so that you could look at those as well. In other words, you enjoy looking at someone that you admire.

So why then is it difficult for most people to look right into their own eyes in a mirror? Where's the admiration? Where's the enjoyment? That's my point.

There was a time in my life years ago that I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. I'm not talking about a bad hair day. I had no problem using the mirror for grooming. But, to look into my own eyes was very uncomfortable.

I had a low self-image. I felt I didn't measure up. I felt I had let God down. I knew I was not living up to my full potential. Basically, I was disappointed in myself, so I wasn't too thrilled to look at me!

I was sitting in a lecture one day and the teacher said, "The reason most people are so miserable is that they can't stand themselves." It is sad but so true! Many people just cannot stand themselves. I couldn't. I needed to change my perspective first.

When you think about it, there are really only two reasons why people are disappointed in themselves. They either regret the bad things that they have done in the past, or, they are not happy with the current state of their life today. In other words, they are disappointed with themselves.

First, if we are being honest, good or bad, the past is over with. We can't go back and change anything. Nothing that we have done in the past can be undone. And the Bible is pretty clear about forgetting those things which are behind, and moving forward.

There is no need to beat yourself up for the past. The Bible says that God has cast your sins as far as the East is from the West. Guess what? The East and West never meet! God has forgiven you. You need to forgive yourself and let the past go.

So, why are you not happy with yourself? Why can't you accept yourself today?

Has someone ever talked favorably to you about another person? Perhaps prior to their information, you had a lousy opinion of this other person. But, after hearing from someone you trusted, you changed your opinion of the person.

Maybe those who have had a hard time looking into their own eyes in a mirror should ask themselves what God's opinion of them is. I'm not talking about the philosophy that the more good deeds you do the more that God likes you. That philosophy is not biblical and it is a sure recipe for living a life of unworthiness. I've been there and done that. No thanks!

I'm talking about opening up the Good Book for yourself. In doing so, you will find out that His love for you never changes. In His eyes, you are lovely and acceptable! That's His opinion! You are acceptable!

So, if you'd like to take a look at someone whom the Creator of the heavens and earth absolutely loves unconditionally, and, finds lovely and acceptable, go take a good look into a mirror! Smile, and change your opinion. It will change your life!

Self Love - The Foundation of All Your Relationships

Self Love - The Foundation of All Your Relationships

Self love forms the foundation of your single, most important relationship - that with yourself. The strength of all your other relationships is exactly equal to the strength of that foundation. To love yourself is not simply a self esteem boosting piece of advice. It is the prerequisite to truly loving others. The golden rule tells us to "love your neighbour as you love yourself". You are likely to have heard it many times, expressed in different ways, thinking it is about loving others. Look a little closer though and you will find that at its very center is the command to love yourself.

The Mistaken Identity of Self Love: Let us first dispel some myths about what it means to love yourself. Self love is not about being arrogant, selfish, self-centered or egotistical. It is not about comparing yourself to others to determine if you are good enough. It is not about always putting yourself first. It is not about always getting your way. It is not about always winning. It is not about "only looking after number one".

Will the Real Self Love Please Stand Up: To love yourself is to be in awe of the miracle of your existence. It is to accept yourself as you are - the light parts and the dark - and to love them both equally. It is to be willing to receive as much as you are willing to give and do both equally. It is about knowing your values and your boundaries and honouring them. It is about teaching others how to treat you by showing them how you treat yourself. It is about being kind to yourself. It is about looking after your mind, your body and your spirit - all three. It is about knowing you are worth it, not because of what you have achieved or what you look like or what others think of you, but because love is your birthright no matter what.

What Do You Most Need to Hear: Take a moment to think of those things you most need to hear from others. Whether it be that they love you, or admire you, or accept you just as you are, or appreciate you, or forgive you. Take a piece of paper and write them down. Make sure to exhaust your list. You will find that what you most want to hear from others is what you most need to tell yourself. You should now have a thorough list of positive affirmations tailor made for you. Repeat them every day, morning and night and you will soon discover a sense of self love and inner peace you never had before.

You Can Only Give That Which You Possess: It is an obvious statement that you cannot give something that you do not possess, yet so many people desperately love others without having or giving love to themselves. It is little wonder that in time there reserves of love are exhausted and their relationships falter. To give love you must first have love. To have love, love yourself. Only then will you be able to truly love others for the pure joy of loving them. Give the love you wish to experience to yourself and you will find all your relationships transform in miraculous ways.

There is But One Source of All Love: There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe - all knowing, all powerful, all loving, all creative and present everywhere at the same time. It is the Universal Mind. It is the Source of All Love. It is Love. When you know and understand the Truth that you are one with the One Source of All Love - that your very essence is love - then you will have discovered unconditional self love and unlimited reserves for everyone and everything. You will know that to love yourself is to love the One Creator.

The Benefits of Loving Yourself: Self love is a win-win for all. It provides you with an inner happiness, confidence and peace of mind that is not easily swayed by outside events and opinions. It enables you to make healthier choices and the best decisions across all areas of your life from your intimate relationships to your finances. It allows you to truly rejoice in other people's good fortune rather than wondering "why, not me" or even resenting it. It enables you to be more genuinely loving towards others and to be of greater service to the world at large. Ultimately, the more you love yourself, the more every thing and every one you encounter benefits.

In a nutshell, loving yourself is a prerequisite to loving others. Your relationships are only as strong as the foundation of your self love. Release any belief you may hold that loving yourself is selfish or egotistical and replace it with the Truth that your very essence is love, that unconditional self love is your birthright. When you know that you are one with the One Source of All Love, that you are connected to every thing and every one, you will know that you cannot possibly experience true love without first loving yourself. You will have discovered the Truth that self love is truly the greatest love of all.

Tania Kotsos is the founder and author of Mind Your Reality - Your Ultimate Guide to Using Mind Power to Create Your Reality. She has been studying mind power and the nature of reality for the last 15 years.

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